Anishinaabe Input Session
On January 29, 2018, twenty six tribal members participated in a focus group session that included dinner, a presentation, and round table discussions with participants who provided guidance and direction to the River for All design team with respect to the opportunity sites and the design guidelines for the river trail.
Public Input Responses
“Opportunity for signage to explain the various clans that govern the Anishinaabe: eagle, sturgeon, bear, turtle, etc.”
“Sacredness and beauty of entire river corridor should be protected while enhancing access to water and sturgeon fishing”
“A place for native artists to display works.”
“Having more history plaques about the Anishinaabe would help, especially stories about the original burial grounds”
“Safe river access points along the trail at Riverside Park, especially near the pow-wow grounds. It’s important to maintain a relationship (access, visual corridors) between the pow-wow site and Owashtanong (the river)”